Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Every Number has a Meaning

Personal Numerology Descriptions

In a Numerology Session we will Create your Personal Numerology Chart! 
Contact me for a session:  jenyoung888@gmail.com

1 represents aspects of creation and self -- genesis, original, creation, beginning, new, self-determination, will power, independence, initiative, decisions,  leadership, command, courage, pioneer, daring, and the male principle.
            2 represents aspects of gestation and union -- loved ones before self, maternal, sympathy, patience, understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, tact, diplomacy,  cooperation, union, partnership, rest, peace, and the female principle.
            3 represents aspects of self-expression -- self-expression, self-projection, social ambition, conversation, writing, communication, facility with words, grace, charm, performer, beauty, flirtation, romance, artistic, and entertainer.
             4 represents aspects of self-discipline -- practicality, physical work, endurance, concentration, budgeting, order, form, construction, routine, systematic,  industrious, conventionality, reliability, home, patriotism, and ecology.
            5 represents aspects of re-creation and is the apex for change in the cycle --  change, adaptability, resourcefulness, variety, versatility, risk, adventure,  travel, surprises, curiosity, recreation, sensual and sexual appetites, new opportunities, speculation, promotion, physical and mental freedom.
            6 represents social consciousness -- responsibility to others, adjustments, family, harmony, healing, counseling, teaching, education, truth, justice, domestic, reliability, tenacity, conservative, conscientiousness, and social balance.
            7 represents intellectual and spiritual development -- wisdom, knowledge of self, mind, intellect, philosophy, metaphysics, mystery, secrecy, solitude, study, research, science, writing, faith, specialization, refinement, pride, acquisition by attraction, dignity, bridging worlds, and observation.
            8 represents material accomplishment -- money, material freedom, business, high finance, control, power, success, achievement, recognition, profit, executive ability, management, authority, fairness, and responsibility.
            9 represents selflessness and universal awareness -- fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion,impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, just, humanitarian, universal truths, and benevolence.
            11 represents impractical idealism -- visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement, and fulfilled only when working with a practical partner.
            22 represents practical idealism -- practical genius, creator of the future, power on all levels, master of the material, philanthropy, universality, international direction, and service to mankind.
            33 represents Christ Consciousness -- universal nurturing, social consciousness raised to a world class, global responsibility, master teacher and healer.

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