Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Every Number has a Meaning

Personal Numerology Descriptions

In a Numerology Session we will Create your Personal Numerology Chart! 
Contact me for a session:  jenyoung888@gmail.com

1 represents aspects of creation and self -- genesis, original, creation, beginning, new, self-determination, will power, independence, initiative, decisions,  leadership, command, courage, pioneer, daring, and the male principle.
            2 represents aspects of gestation and union -- loved ones before self, maternal, sympathy, patience, understanding, sensitivity, receptivity, tact, diplomacy,  cooperation, union, partnership, rest, peace, and the female principle.
            3 represents aspects of self-expression -- self-expression, self-projection, social ambition, conversation, writing, communication, facility with words, grace, charm, performer, beauty, flirtation, romance, artistic, and entertainer.
             4 represents aspects of self-discipline -- practicality, physical work, endurance, concentration, budgeting, order, form, construction, routine, systematic,  industrious, conventionality, reliability, home, patriotism, and ecology.
            5 represents aspects of re-creation and is the apex for change in the cycle --  change, adaptability, resourcefulness, variety, versatility, risk, adventure,  travel, surprises, curiosity, recreation, sensual and sexual appetites, new opportunities, speculation, promotion, physical and mental freedom.
            6 represents social consciousness -- responsibility to others, adjustments, family, harmony, healing, counseling, teaching, education, truth, justice, domestic, reliability, tenacity, conservative, conscientiousness, and social balance.
            7 represents intellectual and spiritual development -- wisdom, knowledge of self, mind, intellect, philosophy, metaphysics, mystery, secrecy, solitude, study, research, science, writing, faith, specialization, refinement, pride, acquisition by attraction, dignity, bridging worlds, and observation.
            8 represents material accomplishment -- money, material freedom, business, high finance, control, power, success, achievement, recognition, profit, executive ability, management, authority, fairness, and responsibility.
            9 represents selflessness and universal awareness -- fulfillment, completion, universality, understanding, tolerance, compassion,impersonal, generosity, forgiveness, just, humanitarian, universal truths, and benevolence.
            11 represents impractical idealism -- visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement, and fulfilled only when working with a practical partner.
            22 represents practical idealism -- practical genius, creator of the future, power on all levels, master of the material, philanthropy, universality, international direction, and service to mankind.
            33 represents Christ Consciousness -- universal nurturing, social consciousness raised to a world class, global responsibility, master teacher and healer.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Numbers are Messages!


An ancient science developed by Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago.
Below are the numbers and a brief description of each, when you see the same number or number combinations 3 times or more it is a message from your Angels so take heed and give thanks for the insight you receive!

Stay positive, everything you are thinking about now is coming true. Be sure you are ONLY thinking about what you want. Give any fears to God and the Angels.

Everything is fine and will continue to be so. Keep the Faith. Harmony

The Ascended Masters are helping you and are with you now. Also communication is important at this time.

The Angels are with you! When you see 444 you know the Angels are reassuring you of their presence. It also represents learning and knowledge.

Big Change is coming! Make sure you are focused on what you want. Positive thoughts create positive outcome.

Don't worry or stress over material items, including money.Worry lowers the effectiveness of your prayers. Ask the Angels to help you. 6 is also the number for family, children, homelife.

YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH AND THE OUTCOME WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Divine Magic is supporting you and you are on the right path, doors of opportunity are opening!!

ABUNDANCE! This can mean, money, time, brilliant ideas, opportunities and so on.

Get to work on your life purpose. Take action steps to achieve your goals. You have gifts to give to the world and now is the time for you to shine! 9 also has to do with family, old family issues, past family 'stuff'.

(this information has been derived from Doreen Virtue and many other inspiring sources)